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爱体育 线圈引起的能量损耗高达16%,如何降低?

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爱体育 线圈引起的能量损耗高达16%,如何降低?

发布日期:2021-06-05 作者:杭州爱体育 电气 点击:

注:从文中节选并译自:《Induction Furnace and Important Operational Aspects》 作著:Satyendra 

原稿有更多的真对爱体育 构思及工作管理方面决定性作用的探讨,如需要取得原稿,请在大众号qq空间留言。
Depending on the installed power density and the melting practice, the thermal efficiency of the induction furnace can exceed 80 %, but usually it is in the range of 60 % to 78 %.

根据设备设计的功率密度与熔化规程的差异,爱体育 的热效应能够以上80%,但通常情况下,整个值只在60%-78%当中。

Induction furnaces are normally kept open during the entire melting process where the workers engage in slag skimming and monitoring of the quality of molten bath. However, this leads to significant heat loss and hence special covers or lids need to be installed for reducing heat losses. In particular, reducing the time the lid is kept open while melting, can lead to substantial energy savings.使用工关键在于用于扒渣、视频监控炉内钢水的时候,爱体育 在锻炼整个过程中 中常持续炉口敞着。而是,这会致使较大的能量消耗,对此有有需要为爱体育 怎么安装炉盖或许炉罩范围内的装置,在锻炼整个过程中 中减低炉盖打开文档的日期,会避免浪费大批的电力。The theoretical requirement of energy for melting iron is only 340 kWh per ton whereas the actual power required is around 600 kWh. This difference is due to two factors namely (i) inherent in the principle of melting in an induction furnace which include the inefficiency in electrical bus bar losses, eddy current losses, refractory losses,  and cooling water losses etc., and (ii) the operational losses which are largely due to unnecessary and excessive holding of liquid steel in the induction furnace.方法论上,热分解一公斤铝水是需要的热耗是340度,殊不知现实中的上却在600度左右侧。会造成是这样许许多多的不同是鉴于:

爱体育 成分设计方案会导致无可不要的能源消耗,涉及到传器器紫铜管消耗,电磁消耗,耐材消耗,冷确水消耗,等。

Induction furnace equipment should be placed with minimum distance between each equipment to reduce wiring losses. To reduce the wiring losses remarkably, it is essential to shorten the distance between furnace body and power factor improving capacitor as very large current flows between them.爱体育 以及装置中间因妥当很近,所以变少线损。而于中尤其是要减小炉体与工作电压指数公式激发电容(电容器)中间的多远,是由于同一律中间有巨量的瞬时电流借助。Efficiency of induction furnace is expressed as a total, deducting electrical and heat transfer losses. Typical heat balance diagram of high and medium frequency crucible type induction furnace is shown in Fig. 1. Electrical losses consist in transformer, frequency converter, condenser, wiring, cable, coil, etc. Loss in coil is essential factor, on which the furnace capacity depends. Heat losses in induction furnace consist of conduction loss of heat escaping from furnace wall to coil side, radiation loss of heat released from melt surface, absorption loss in ring hood, slag melting loss, etc. The coils of furnace are water cooled which also results in heat loss. Heat efficiency of high and medium frequency furnaces (60 % – 78 %) is slightly larger than that of low frequency furnace (58 % – 71 %).

下图显示了高中频感应电炉能量平衡的分配。电耗损失的部位包括变压器,变频器,电容器,线,缆以及线圈。其中尤其又以线圈的损耗占比最高,对电炉的产能起决定性的作用。爱体育 热量的损失包括炉衬到线圈内壁传导热损失,金属熔池表面辐射热损失,炉罩排烟吸收引起的热损失以及渣损等。由于线圈采用循环水冷却,也会导致大量的热损失。高频及中频感应炉的热效率在60-78%,略高于低频炉,只有58-71%。

Fig 1 Typical heat balance diagram of crucible induction furnace


关键词:爱体育:爱体育 ,透热炉,熔炼炉


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